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03-Oct: Photos and videos are now available for viewing on the gallery page. Explore the gallery here
01-Oct: Access to Presentation Slides Now Available for Download: We are pleased to announce that the presentation slides from our recent GeoWeek conference are now available in the Downloads section, or alternatively from the Programme section.


Geoinformation Week

Current geospatial scenario warrants for new and advance services, solutions, and technologies. Several initiatives have been developed by the community such as Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) standard with edition II, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM), CityGML, and CityJSON. Additionally, technologies associated with geoinformation such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Deep Learning, 3D City Models, and Digital Twins, are increasingly relevant.

The community of Geoinformation Week, LADM, FIG Commission 5 and Commission 7, and UN Habitat STDM would like to encourage all geoinformation related professionals, researchers, and students to present and share their works at the upcoming international conference, i.e., the Geoinformation Week 2024, LADM International Workshop 2024, FIG Commission 5 Annual Meeting 2024, FIG Commission 7 Annual Meeting 2024, and UN Habitat STDM 2024 in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Invitation from:

Dr. Ryan Keenan
Dr. Ryan Keenan

President FIG Commission 5

Prof. Rohan Bennett
Prof. Rohan Bennett

President FIG Commission 7

Prof. Peter van Oosterom
Prof. Peter van Oosterom

Chair for FIG LADM & 3D LA

John Gitau
John Gitau

Programme Management Officer, UN-Habitat

Prof. Alias Abdul Rahman
Prof. Alias Abdul Rahman

Chair for Geoinformation Week


24-26 September 2024

download conference poster Download conference poster here.

CPD points offered by the following societies:

6 CPD points for LJT Malaysia
8 CPD points for LJT Sarawak
6 CPD points for LJT Sabah

** Pre-conference tutorials will be organized on 23rd September 2024. More details in the conference website later.


Land Administration & Climate Action

Kadaster International and ITC will jointly organize a full-day workshop on Land Administration & Climate Action on September 23 (Monday) as part of the School of Land Administration Studies activities.

This workshop aims to enhance Asia Pacific land administration capacity by providing a platform for dialogue, exchange, and knowledge creation. For Kadaster International and ITC, this event serves to support and raise awareness in the critical Asia-Pacific region, showcasing ongoing regional projects to various country contexts. Key topics to be covered include UN-GGIM Framework for Effective Land Administration (FELA), Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration (FFPLA), and Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) applications.

Participate in our workshop on land administration and climate action by registering here



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Filip Biljecki
Filip Biljecki
National University of Singapore Research Insights and Perspectives of Urban Digital Twins
Agung Indrajit
Agung Indrajit
National Development Planning Agency, Republic of Indonesia LADM for National Development Planning
Eldar Rubinov
Eldar Rubinov
Positioning and Geodesy Technical Lead, Frontiersi Australia Cost-Effective Fit-for-Purpose Positioning for the 21st Century
Mika-Petteri Törhönen
Mika-Petteri Törhönen
Global Lead on Land Regional Lead Land Specialist for Asia, World Bank Global Program on Land for Climate Goals



Machine Learning to Deep Learning: Building Intelligent Systems

This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for practitioners transitioning from traditional machine learning to deep learning approaches in the development of intelligent systems. It covers fundamental concepts, techniques, and best practices essential for harnessing the power of deep learning for solving complex problems across various domains. By covering fundamental concepts, practical techniques, and real-world applications, the tutorial empowers practitioners to tackle a wide range of challenges using state-of-the-art deep learning methodologies.

author Prof Hassan Rhinane

Prof Hassan Rhinane
Hassan II University Casablanca, Morocco

Integrating BIM in GIS using IFC and CityGML

This tutorial will review the current trends and approaches for integrating BIM and GIS, focusing on the prevailing standards in both domains, specifically IFC and CityGML. It will compare the semantics, geometry, georeferencing, and spatial structure mechanisms within these standards. Additionally, the tutorial will highlight current applications and address open issues in the domain of BIM-GIS integration.

author Dr Ihab Hijazi

Dr Ihab Hijazi
Technical University of Munich, Germany, &
An-Najah National University, West Bank, Palestine

Introduction to LADM with Sarawak as Case Study

This tutorial discusses various aspects of Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) as a conceptual model for managing and handling land objects in 2D and 3D. LADM provides basic concept needed especially in land administration where it consists of related classes and their relationships. The classes later could be extended into several sub-classes depending on the situation where each class contains attributes describing the characteristics of objects.

In this tutorial, besides LADM Edition I, new edition of LADM will be introduced and discussed. The LADM Edition II contains multi-parts namely Part 1-Generic Information, Part 2-Land Registration, Part 3-Marine Georegulation, Part 4-Valuation Information and Part 5-Spatial Planning. The tutorial will explain the country profile development for the Sarawak State utilizing the concept of LADM. At the end of the tutorial, participants should be able to gain basic knowledges of the subject.

author Prof Dr Peter van Oosterom author Prof Dr Alias Abdul Rahman author Ainn Zamzuri


  • Prof Dr Peter van Oosterom (TUDelft, Netherlands)
  • Prof Dr Alias Abdul Rahman (UTM, Malaysia)
  • Ainn Zamzuri (UTM, Malaysia)

LADM Part 4 Valuation information – The content and the implementation of the model

ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) has been systematically reviewed, starting from 2018, to refine the existing content and to extend the scope to cover all functions of land administration, including land use and land value. The LADM Edition II is designed as a multi-part standard and one of its parts is 19152-4 Valuation information, which extends the flexible and modular basis of the LADM and proposes an information model for the specification of valuation information maintained by public authorities. The LADM Edition II Part 4 is designed to facilitate all stages of the administrative valuation property, in particular (a) the identification of properties, (b) the valuation of properties by single or mass appraisal procedures, (c) the recording of transaction prices, (d) the production and representation of sales statistics, and (e) the handling of appeals.

In this tutorial, how LADM Part 4 can be used to represent these stages is explained in detail with examples (in other words, the principles of LADM Part 4 are explained), and the latest approaches proposed in the literature are presented for each stage. The conceptual model of LADM Part 4 is then presented. In order to implement LADM Part 4, a country profile is required, so the methodologies for developing a country profile are explained using the proposed country profiles of LADM Part 4. Finally, a demonstration of the visualization and dissemination of valuation information associated with 3D property units is presented and practical guidance on the tools used is given.

author Dr Abdullah Kara

Dr Abdullah Kara
Gebze Technical University, Istanbul, Turkiye

Marine Cadastral - Measurement, Modelling and Governance base on Land Administration Domain Model

In this tutorial, the concept of responsible land management will be described, which will be followed by an explanation on the construction of good marine governance through adaptation of responsible land management. Furthermore, examples on the utilization of LADM on marine and coastal governance will be given. Last but not least, guidance on the development of an inclusive responsible marine governance will also be provided.

author Assoc. Prof. Dr Abdullah Hisam Omar author Dr Imzan Hassan author Dr Rizqi Abdulharis author Prof Dr Walter T. de Vries


  • Dr Abdullah Hisham Omar (UTM, Malaysia)
  • Dr Muhammad Imzan Hassan (UTM, Malaysia)
  • Dr Rizqi Abdulharis (ITB, Indonesia)
  • Prof. Dr Walter T. de Vries (TU Munich, Germany)


Programme for International Conference

Tutorial Track

23th September 2024 (Monday)
Time Activities
09:00 – 10:00 Introduction to LADM with Sarawak as Case Study

Prof Dr Peter van Oosterom (TU Delft, The Netherlands), Prof Dr Alias Abdul Rahman (UTM, Malaysia), Ainn Zamzuri (UTM, Malaysia)

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 11:30 Marine Cadastral - Measurement Modelling and Governance base on Land Administration Domain Model

Dr Abdullah Hisham Omar (UTM, Malaysia), Dr Imzan Hassan (UTM, Malaysia), Dr Rizqi Abdulharis (ITB, Indonesia), and Prof. Dr Walter T. de Vries (TU Munich, Germany)

11:30 – 12:30 LADM Part 4 Valuation information – The content and the implementation of the model

Dr Abdullah Kara (Gebze Technical University, Istanbul, Turkiye)

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:00 Integrating BIM in GIS using IFC and CityGML

Dr Ihab Hijazi (An-Najah National University, Palestine / TU Munich, Germany)

15:00 – 16:00 Machine Learning to Deep Learning: Building Intelligent Systems

Prof Dr Hassan Rhinane (University of Hassan II, Casablanca, Morocco)

16:00 – 16:30 Q & A session

All convenors, Certificates presentation

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee and End of the Day
18:00 Informal C7 drinks at Hotel Lobby

Download the Geoinformation Week 2024 programme schedule pdf icon (updated 20th September 2024)

Geoinformation Week, FIG LADM & 3D LA Track and FIG Commission 5 & 7 Annual Meeting

24th September 2024 (Day 1)
Time Activities
08:00 – 09:00 Participant Registration
Ballroom Lobby (Level 3)
09:00 – 09:30 Opening Remarks (Room: Sarawak Chamber II & III)

  • Prof Dr Alias Abdul Rahman (Geoinformation Week)
  • Prof Dr Peter van Oosterom (LADM & 3D LA)
  • Assoc. Prof Dr Rohan Bennett (FIG Comm. 7)
  • Dr Eldar Rubinov (FIG Comm. 5)
  • John Gitau (STDM)

09:30 – 10:00 Session Chair: Prof. Dr Peter van Oosterom
Keynote 1
Research Insights and Perspectives of Urban Digital Twins

Asst. Prof. Dr Filip Beljecki
NUS, Singapore


10:00 – 10:30 Session Chair: Prof. Dr Peter van Oosterom
Keynote 2
Recognizing NCR Lands in Sarawak

Director, Land and Survey Department, Sarawak


10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:00
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: 3D Buildings Modelling (Chair: Prof. Dr Alias Abdul Rahman)
  • Integrating System Dynamics in Urban Digital Twins (Invited Talk)

    Dr Ihab Hijazi

  • Amalgamated 4D (3D + Temporal) for Land and Marine Cadastre Data Model based on LADM International Standard (Invited Talk)

    Prof. Dr Mehmet Alkan


  • Paper 36 – The Third Dimension of GIS and LADM – Current Status and Perspectives

    Alias Abdul Rahman, Ainn Zamzuri, Hanis Rashidan, Wahyu Marta Mutiarasari


  • Paper 10 – Enhancing Simple Geometrical Holes in Fused 3D Building Model using the Laplacian Method

    Wahyu Marta Mutiarasari, Alias Abdul Rahman


  • Paper 15 – Designing 3D Triangulated Irregular Network Data Structure for Surface and Subsurface Unified Spatial Data Model – Preliminary Work

    Michael Moses Apeh, Ivin Amri Musliman, Alias Abdul


  • Paper 11 – Enhancing 3D Building Models Segmentation in CityGML

    Hanis Rashidan, Ivin Amri Musliman, Gurcan Buyuksalih, Alias Abdul-Rahman, Ismail Rakip Karas


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 1: Legal Building Models (Chair: Abdullah Kara)
  • 3D Perspective towards the Modelling and Applications of Cadastral Building Data in Taiwan

    Jung-Hong Hong, Vincent Chiang, Chin-Sung Yang, Yi-Chen Tsia, and Sin-Yi Ho


  • Incorporating Legal Space Details of Building from BIM/IFC to the LADM Sarawak Country Profile

    Ainn Zamzuri, Alias Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Imzan Hassan, and Peter van Oosterom

    [paper] [slides]

  • Proposal for the integration of a Building Material part: (ISO 19152-7) within the Land Administration Domain Model

    Aswathy Chandran, Peter van Oosterom, Wilko Quak, Pablo van den Bosch, and Frederique van Erven


  • Automatic DTM and Building Footprint Extraction from Imageries and Point Clouds in Indonesia's Land Registration Drone Survey: A Roadmap Towards Reconstruction of LOD1 3D building model

    Ruli Andaru, Trias Aditya, Bambang Kun Cahyono, Purnama Budi Santosa, Yulaikhah, and Septein Paramia Swantika

    [paper] [slides]

Commission 7 Annual Meeting: Part 1 (Room: Wind Suite)
(Chair: Rohan Bennett; Rapporteur: Kirsikka Riekkinen)
  • Developments and Directions in Land Administration's Digital Transformation (12932)

    Rohan Bennett (Australia)


  • Exploring the concepts of national security in land administration (12933)

    Kirsikka Riekkinen (Finland) and Walter de Vries (Germany)


  • Modernizing Land Governance with GIS (12956)

    ESRI (USA)


12:30 – 13:15  
FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 2: STDM and Customary Land (Chair: Kees de Zeeuw)
  • STDM Valuation of Unregistered Land

    Eva-Maria Morscher-Unger, Abdullah Kara, John Gitau, and James Kavanagh

    [paper] [slides]

  • Customary Land Tenure in the LADM

    Malumbo Chipofya, Javier Morales, Andre Da Silva Mano, and Christiaan Lemmen


13:00 – 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 – 16:00
Opening Ceremony

Sarawak Premier
Appreciation Awards to Major Sponsors

16:00 – 17:00 Exhibition Booths Visit & Coffee break
End of the day
C7 Event (TBC)
25th September 2024 (Day 2)
Time Activities
09:00 – 09:20 Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr Rohan Bennett
Keynote 3
LADM for National Development Planning

Dr Agung Indrajit
National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia


09:20 – 09:40 Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr Rohan Bennett
Keynote 4
Global Program on Land for Climate Goals

Mika Petteri
World Bank


09:40 – 10:00 Session Chair: John Gitau
Keynote 5
Cost-Effective Fit-for-Purpose Positioning for the 21st Century

Eldar Rubinov
FIG Commission 5


10:00 – 10:20 Session Chair: John Gitau
Keynote 6
Innovating with Space: How GIS Powers Digital Transformation across Industries

Dr Hafiz Sharkawi
Head of Research, SDEC


10:20 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 13:00
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: Geo-based Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning (Chair: Prof. Dr Mazlan Hashim)
  • Managing Territories with Artificial Intelligence (Invited Talk)

    Prof. Dr Hassan Rhinane


  • Paper 28 – Geospatial Analysis of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Deployment: Evaluation of Technical Factors via Artificial Intelligence

    Mohamed Benayad, Simou Mohamed Rabii, Hassan Rhinane

  • Paper 27 – Predictive Analysis of Road Accidents in Casablanca: A Machine Learning Approach

    Laaziza Hammoumi, Chaymae Khaloua, Mohamed Benayad, Hassan Rhinane, Saad Farah


  • Paper 5 – Development and Evaluation of Geo-AI for Healthcare Discovery

    Myriame Virginie Matius, Ivin Amri Musliman


  • Paper 30 – Machine Learning for Semi-Automated Land Parcel Plotting

    Muhammad Ghaly, Kurniawan, Malumbo Chipofya, Dimo Todorovski


  • Paper 43 – Assessing Height Determination Accuracy in Digital Terrain Models (DTM) Derived from UAV Data using Sarawak Geocentric Datum

    Stephen Ling Jin Huat, Ramzi Abdillah, Siti Romiza Romali, Madeline Ambit, Mohd. Faizury Abol Hassan, Wan Anom Wan Aris


  • Paper 52 – Assessing the Impact and Efficiency of Cadastral Modernisation on Coordinate Systems for Orthophoto Production: A Comprehensive Evaluation

    Mohamad Iskandar Mohamad Usop


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 3: Spatial Plan and Marine Information (Chair: Alias Abdul Rahman)
  • Bringing Subsurface Information Models and Climate Adaptation Design into LADM part 5 Spatial Plan Information

    Maria Luisa Tarozzo Kawasaki, Rob van der Krogt, Wilfred Visser, Ulf Hackauf, Alexander Wandl, and Peter van Oosterom

    [paper] [slides]

  • Development of 4D Marine Cadastre Data Model – A Case Study of Terengganu Shoreline

    Yusuf Hussaini Atulukwu, Muhammed Imzan Hassan, and Alias Abdul Rahman

    [paper] [slides]

  • Developing a LADM Part 5 – Spatial Plan Information country profile for Greece

    Maria Poulaki, Nikolaos Xagoraris, Eftychia Kalogianni, Charalampos Kyriakidis, Abdullah Kara, and Efi Dimopoulou

    [paper] [slides]

  • Leveraging BIM/IFC for the Registration of Spatial Plans and Compliance Checks and Permitting in Estonia based on LADM Part 5 - Spatial Plan Information

    Simay Batum, Eftychia Kalogianni, Marjan Broekhuizen, Christopher Raitviir, Kermo Mägi, and Peter van Oosterom

    [paper] [slides]

Framework for Effective Land Administration (WG7.1 FELA) + Fit for Purpose Land Administration (WG7.2 FFPLA), Room: Wind Suite
Chair: Amalia Velasco; Rapporteur: Kean Huat Soon
  • Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration Solutions from Trimble (12946)

    Markus Koper (Germany)

    [abstract] [slides]

  • Where things are at with the FELA Working Group (12940)

    Amalia Velasco (Spain)


  • A Preliminary UN-GGIM Work to Integrate Land and Sea (12866)

    Kean Huat Soon and Victor Khoo (Singapore)


  • From No Cadastre to 3D Cadastre: The Evolving Role of Spatially Enabled Frameworks (12871)

    Israel Taiwo (Nigeria)


13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:30
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: Marine Information System (Chair: Dr Rizqi Abdulharis)
  • Paper 53 – Projection of Sea Surface Salinity using Ensemble of Selected CMIP6 GCMs of Bay-of-Bengal

    Mahiuddin Alamgir, Mazlan Hashim, Shamsuddin Shahid


  • Paper 17 – Seasonal Variability of Sea Surface Salinity in Malaysia Waters using Space-based Observation of SMOS

    Syarif Abdul Asa'Ad Jairin, Ami Hassan Md Din, Mat Nizam Uti, Mohammad Hanif Hamden, Zamri Ismail


  • Paper 19 – Investigation of Long-term Sea Level Variation from Satellite Altimeter and Tide Gauge in Southeast Asia Region

    Muhammad Luqman Ahmad Affandi, Ami Hassan Md Din, Abd Wahid Rasib, Mohammad Hanif Hamden


  • Paper 29 – A Review of Global Ocean Tide Models for Tidal Prediction to Support Hydrographic Separation Model

    Fatin Nabihah Syahira Ridzuan, Mohammad Hanif Hamden, Ami Hassan Md Din


  • Paper 18 – Assessment of the Optimal Hydrodynamic Model for Malaysian Coastal Waters

    Nur Surayatul Atikah Alihan, Ami Hassan Md Din, Mohammad Hanif Hamden, Dudy Wijaya


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 4: 3D Land Administration (Chair: Malumbo Chipofya)
  • Developments of 3D Land Administration in China – advancements and challenges

    Walter Timo de Vries and Yiming Zhong

    [paper] [slides]

  • Piloting 3D Cadastre in Singapore

    Defu Wu, Kean Huat Soon, and Victor Khoo

    [paper] [slides]

  • Design of Mixed Reality Applications for Visualizing Integrated 3D Land Information Services

    Trias Aditya, Ruli Andaru, Purnama Budi Santosa, Calvin Wijaya, Ali Surojaya, Adrian Nugroho, Faisal Ashaari, Miranty N Sulistyowati, Annisa Nasywa, Benny Emor, Bagus Darmawan, I Gede Ketut Ary Sucaya, and Ardyanto Fitrady

    [paper] [slides]

  • A digital twin based on Land Administration

    Ping Mao, Peter van Oosterom, and Azarakhsh Rafiee

    [paper] [slides]

Digital Transformation of Land Management (WG7.6) workshop + AI and RS for Land Administration (WG7.4), Room: Wind Suite
Chair: Claudia Lindner; Rapporteur: Susheel Dangol
  • FrontierSI - Anticipating and Solving big problems using our space and spatial expertise (12948)

    Eldar Rubinov (Australia)


  • From Paper Based Cadaster to Digital Cadaster Towards Transparency (12949)

    Susheel Dangol and Prakash Joshi (Nepal)


  • Land Administration and Climate Action: Results from the International Pre-Conference Workshop (12955)

    Claudia Lindner (Germany) and Rohan Bennett (Australia)


  • Digitalisation in land management: perceptions and practices (12936)

    Claudia Lindner (Netherlands), Walter Timo De Vries and Walter Dachaga (Germany)


15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:00
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: Satellite based Image Processing & Analysis I (Chair: Prof. Dr Hassan Rhinane)
  • Paper 38 – Can Sentinel-1 SAR Deliver Accurate High-Resolution DEMs in Vegetated Humid Tropics?

    Musa Muhammad Chindo, Mazlan Hashim


  • Paper 21 – Damage Assessment with YOLOv9 Instance Segmentation: An Analysis of the Marrakech Earthquake Case Study

    Hakima Zair, Zineb El Faraj, Marouane Ouazani Chahidi, Safia Loulad, Samir Zouhri, Saad Farah, Mehdi Maanan, Hassan Rhinane

  • Paper 54 – Satellite based Assessment on the Water Yield Deficit at Sub-Watershed Level in Peninsular Malaysia during 2005 Drought

    Mohd Rizaludin Mahmud, Mohd. Nadzri Md Reba, Mazlan Hashim, Nurul Nadiah Yahya, Noordyana Hassan, Nurul Hazrina Idris, Suzanna Noor Azmy


  • Paper 33 – Developing Time Series Image Analysis Techniques for Landslide Detection

    Tsung-Han Wen, Tee-Ann Teo


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 5: Country Developments (Chair: Kean Huat Soon)
  • Initiating the development of a LADM II-based Country Profile for the Swedish Real Property Register RRRs

    Jing Sun, Jesper M. Paasch, and Jenny Paulsson

    [paper] [slides]

  • Extending LADM to Support eLAS Implementation Toward Sustainable Land Administration: A Case Study in Malaysia

    Kamarul Akhtar Idris

    [paper] [slides]

Global World Tour – Country Level Reports (Room: Wind Suite)
Chair: John Gitau; Rapporteur: Luluk Dita Shafitri
  • Projection of Sea Surface Salinity using Ensemble of Selected CMIP6 GCMs of Bay-of-Bengal (12939)

    Mahiuddin Alamgir, Mazlan Hashim and Shamsuddin Shahid (Malaysia)


  • "A" Plan to Build Capability and Capacity to use Simulation Operationally in Land Administration (12945)

    Lyons Ken (Australia)


  • Building 3D Apartment Structures in Indonesia from As-Built Drawings using GIS Software for Cadastre Functions (12935)

    Luluk Dita Shafitri, Moch Iqbal Fauzan and Aulia Latif (Indonesia)


17:00 Coffee and End of the Day
26th September 2024 (Day 3)
Time Activities
09:00 – 10:30
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: GIS & Land Administration I (Chair: Prof. Dr Mehmet Alkan)
  • Paper 50 – An Interactive Spatial Web-based System for Exploring Sri Aman Tourism, Sarawak

    Serene Joseph Goyang, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, Muhammad Abdul Hakim Muhamad, Rosmadi Ghazali, Mayuree Nasa Khan


  • Paper 2 – Unveiling Legitimacy and Analyzing Sarawak's Maritime Boundary through Historical Archives

    Ching Yen Sim, Kelvin Kang Wee Tang, Mohd Razali Mahmud


  • Paper 26 – Assessing Perceptions of Digitalization of Land Administration and Land Management

    Walter Timo de Vries, Claudia Lindner, Walter Dachaga


Theme: UAV based Mapping (Chair: Mr. Teo-Tee Ann)
  • Paper 48 – Assessing the Performance of Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) in UAV Mapping

    Dzuren Hamzah, Bakeri Samsudin, Sulaiman Budin, Mickcy Mandang, Morgan, Siti Hayatunissa Saminan


  • Paper 32 – Optimal Post-Processing Kinematic UAV Photogrammetry Mapping for Volumetric Sandy Beach Mapping

    Nursyafiqah Jessica Georgeson, Ahmad Razali Yusoff, Radzuan Sa'Ari, Ilya Khairanis Othman, Mohd Radhie Mohd Salleh


  • Paper 41 – Cross-Sensor Registration Between Ground-based Mobile Lidar and Airborne UAV Images

    Tee-Ann Teo, Hao Yu, Pei-Cheng Chen


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 6: Frameworks and Indicators (Chair: Walter Timo de Vries)
  • Towards Sustainable Land Governance: Extending the LADM to Support Global Initiatives Parameters - A Case Study in Indonesia

    Fatemeh Jahani Chehrehbargh, Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh, Daniel Steudler, and Bagus Widya Nugraha

    [paper] [slides]

  • Monitoring Indicators of International Guidance Documents and Frameworks through LADM

    Abdullah Kara, Mengying Chen, Peter van Oosterom, and Christiaan Lemmen

    [paper] [slides]

  • The Conceptual Framework for Implementing eLAS Towards Sustainable Land Administration: Systematic Literature Review

    Kamarul Akhtar Idris

    [paper] [slides]

  • Extending NSDI with LADM Valuation Information Model and Expert Opinions to Calculate Score Values of 3D Real Estate

    Arif Çağdaş Aydinoğlu, Rabia Bovkir, Süleyman Şişman, and Abdullah Kara

    [paper] [slides]

Comparative Cadastre (W7.8) + LA Education (WG7.2) + Women's Access to Land (WG7.5), Room: Wind Suite
Chair: Angel Collado; Rapporteur: Karolina Itäinen
  • Assessment of the Geospatial Infrastructure of the Surveying Agency Ministry of Agriculture (SAMA) through in situ GNSS measurements and cadastral data with use of GIS techniques (12873)

    Dionysia Georgia Perperidou, Dimitrios Ampatzidis, Georgios Moschopoulos, Konstantinos Sigizis and Antonios Mouratidis (Greece)


  • Assessing the Potential Impact of the Amendments to the Peninsular Malaysia Licensed Land Surveyors Act 1958 (Act 458) on Geomatic Survey (12921)

    Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff and Dinesh Sathyamoorthy (Malaysia)


  • Mapping Geomatics Education Around the World (12872)

    Angel Collado (Spain)

    [abstract] [slides]

  • Comparison and Evaluation of Mature Cadastral Systems (12870)

    Karolina Itäinen, Pauliina Krigsholm and Kirsikka Riekkinen (Finland)

    [abstract] [slides]

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30
Geoinformation Week (Room: Sarawak Chamber III)
Theme: GIS & Land Administration II (Chair: Mr. Soon Kean Huat)
  • Paper 1 – Revolutionizing Oil Palm Replanting: Geospatial Terrace Design for High-Precision Ground Implementation Compared to Conventional Methods

    Nursuhaili Najwa Masrol, Nur Hafizah Mohammed, Nur Nadhirah Rusyda Rosnan, Vijaya Subramaniam, Sim Choon Cheak


  • Paper 51 – Creative Mapping a Running Route in Urban Park Settings: A Pilot Study in Marina ParkCity, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

    Erica Benya Billy, Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam, Cassendra Gilbert, Rafeah Legino


  • Paper 6 – Dilemmas and Contradictions in Managing Integrated Land and Water Rights Restrictions and Responsibilities

    Walter Timo de Vries, Rizqi Abdulharis, Alfita Puspa Handayani

  • Paper 7 – Land Administration in Malaysia: An Insight of the 3D-based Future Development Framework

    Ahmad Hamidi Mohamed, Mohamad Hezri Razali, Saiful Aman Hj Sulaiman, Amir Sharifuddin Ab Latip


FIG LADM & 3D LA (Room: Chamber I)
Paper session 7: 3D Implementation and Semantic Technologies (Chair: John Gitau)
  • Practical Approaches to 3D Cadastre Implementation: Database Schemas and Exchange Formats

    Javad Shahidinejad, Mohsen Kalantari, and Abbas Rajabifard

    [paper] [slides]

  • Determining the semantic similarity of definitions by artificial intelligence for the needs of 3D Land Administration: a case of building units

    Martin Vaněk, Karel Janečka, and Otakar Čerba

    [paper] [slides]

  • The Governance of Semantic Resources for the FIG Community

    Volkan Çağdaş, Erik Stubkjær, Charl-Thom Bayer, Laura Meggiolaro, Fatin Afiqah Md Azmi, Rohan Bennett, Erwin Folmer, Simon Hull, and Dimo Todorovski

    [paper] [slides]

  • LADM implementations and developments by ESRI (Industry presentation)

    Kees de Zeeuw and Brent Jones

    [paper] [slides]

Commission 7 Annual Meeting: Part 2 (including C5 if present), Room: Wind Suite
Chair: Rohan Bennett; Rapporteur: Kirsikka Riekkinen
12:30 – 13:00
Closing & Awards Presentation (Room: Sarawak Chamber II & III)
  • Next event promotion
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 17:00 Social & Technical Visits
19:00 – 23:00
Gala Dinner and Cultural Show (Room: Sarawak Chamber II & III)
  • Appreciation Awards to Exhibitors
* Business casual attire is recommended for the Gala Dinner.


Important Dates
(for Geoinformation Week)

27th May 2024 Extended abstract submission (max. 2 pages, single column format) for Geoinformation Week
1st July 2024
Notification of extended abstract acceptance
31th July 2024
15 July 2024
Full paper & camera-ready submission
30th August 2024 Payment Deadline for accepted papers by Authors
23rd September 2024 Pre-conference Tutorials
24 - 26 September 2024 Conference day

Submit your manuscript

Paper Submission

Call for Full Paper (for Geoinformation Week)

Dear Authors,

We are pleased to announce that the extended abstracts have been reviewed and approved for full paper submissions. It is imperative that all abstracts be revised to address the suggestions and comments provided by the reviewers. The corrected full papers must be submitted to EasyChair by 31 July 2024.

Please ensure that your full paper adheres to the Springer LNGC format and is between 10 to 15 pages in Microsoft Word format.

All reviewers' comments and suggestions must be thoroughly addressed in your full papers.

Important: Papers will not be accepted and published if they do not comply with the required corrections and formatting guidelines.

Additionally, authors need to submit the following documents to

  • Plagiarism report
  • Proofreading report (by an external party)
  • Full paper in Word (with comments from the proofreader)
  • Full paper in PDF

When submitting these documents, please mention your paper ID in the email subject line.

Thank you for your valuable contributions. We look forward to seeing you in Kuching city this September.

Best regards,

Prof. Alias Abdul Rahman
Chair, Geoinformation Week 2024

Springer LNGC book cover
All accepted full papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNG&C) series.

Call for Extended Abstract

You are invited to submit full extended abstract of your intended paper to be reviewed by the reviewers. All accepted extended abstract will be notified for full paper submission accordingly. We plan to publish all accepted papers with Springer Nature (Switzerland) as Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography (LNGC) series.

General Remarks

  • You are kindly asked to prepare your Extended Abstract in Word Document (*.docx / *.docm) using the provided template file locally on your own computer.
  • The Extended Abstract should be clear, concise and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
  • The submission of a Extended Abstract carries with it the obligation that it is actually presented at the Conference by the author or by one of the co-authors.

Submission Category

EasyChair logo

Geoinformation Week

Submit your Extended Abstract

EasyChair logo


Submit your Extended Abstract

FIG Abstracts Database

FIG Commission 5

Submit your Paper

FIG Abstracts Database

FIG Commission 7

Submit your Paper


Sponsorships & Exhibition

Co-organizer / Platinum Sponsor

SDEC Sarawak logo
Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation

Gold Sponsor

​SMD Semiconductor logo
​SMD Semiconductor Sdn Bhd

Silver Sponsor

Info-Geomatik logo
Info-Geomatik (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Topcon logo
Topcon Positioning Asia (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Additional Sponsorship by

ESRI logo
ESRI International
Trimble logo
Business Events Sarawak logo
Business Events Sarawak

Participating Exhibitors

Bandwork logo
Bandworks Sdn. Bhd.
AllTerra (M) Sdn Bhd logo
AllTerra (M) Sdn Bhd
Jalal Johari Consultants and Screening Eagle Pvt. Ltd. logo
Jalal Johari Consultants and
Screening Eagle Pvt. Ltd.
SAINS logo
SAINS Sarawak Sdn. Bhd.
MNJ Teras logo
MNJ Teras Sdn. Bhd.
I Net Spatial and Geotech Solutions logo
I Net Spatial Sdn. Bhd. and
Geotech Solutions
Jinsoon Yap Survey Solution logo
JSY Jinsoon Yap Survey Solution
Aimstral and Digile logo
Aimstral and Digile
RW Geomatic Engineering logo
RW Geomatic Engineering
DJI Droneskaki logo
DJI Droneskaki

We offer the following opportunities for your company to engage with potential clients, and partners in this international event as speakers in the Industrial Talk session and also in exhibition.

RM 35,000
RM 25,000
RM 15,000
Exhibition Booth
RM 8,000

Fees and Registration

Conference Registration Fee Details

Normal Participant
RM 2,300
RM 1,300
Pre-conference Tutorial
RM 600
Discount Package
(Normal Participant + Pre-conference Tutorial)
RM 2,700
Discount Package
(Student + Pre-conference Tutorial)
RM 1,700
Group Package
(Exclusive to Normal Participant Registrations)
Register 5, Get 1 Free
* All conference participants must pay the registration fee. For each paper/poster, at least one author must attend and pay the registration fee.


Registration for
All Tracks

Join us at Geoinformation Week, featuring LADM, FIG Commission 5 and 7, and UN Habitat STDM. Register now for the event.

Upload Document

Please upload proof of payment and/or a copy of your student card for verification.

Land Administration & Climate Action Workshop

Participate in our workshop on land administration and climate action.

Mode of Payment

Payment can be made via Bank Transfer (for local participants) and via Flywire (for International participants).

Payment via Bank Transfer (local participants)

Payable to:
Uni-Technologies Sdn. Bhd.
Account No.:
Bank Address:
CIMB Bank Berhad
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Taman Universiti, Skudai Branch,
81300 Skudai,
Johor, Malaysia.

Payment via Flywire (International participants)

Payable to:
Description for
Participant ID:
Vot 2449
Please enter the amount indicated by the category in Malaysian Ringgit (RM)

vot 2449

To complete the registration process, please ensure you enter Vot 2449 in the "Participant ID" box during payment. This step is crucial for processing your registration accurately. The Vot 2449, as shown in the figure, should be entered exactly as provided. Thank you.


Travelling Info

Visa and Letter of Invitation

Dear participants,

If you require to apply for a VISA to attend this conference in Malaysia, please email to us, so that we can write you a support letter for the VISA application.

Please email to with the subject of your email – VISA Application for Joint International Conference 2024. Please include the following particulars in your email:

  1. Full name
  2. Office affiliation and designation
  3. Contact details

Thank you.

Getting to Kuching


Visitors to Sarawak are required to fill in an immigration form upon arrival. Malaysia has strict anti-drug trafficking laws and those caught smuggling illegal drugs will be sentenced to a mandatory death penalty. Every person entering the country must possess a valid Passport or internationally recognized Travel Document. Visitors may also use a Document in lieu of Passport from the Immigration Representative for entry purposes. Application for the Document in lieu of Passport can be made at any Malaysian Representative Office abroad. The documents shall be valid, for more than six (6) months from the date of entry into Malaysia.

Visa Requirement

Foreign nationals who require a visa to enter Malaysia must apply and obtain a visa in advance at the Malaysian Representative Office before entering the country. A visa is an endorsement in a passport or other recognized travel document of a foreigner indicating that the holder has applied for permission to enter Malaysia and that permission has been granted. A visa that has been granted is not a guarantee that the holder will be allowed to enter Malaysia. The final decision lies with the Immigration Officer at the entry point.

Read more here for Visa requirement by Country.

Return Travel Ticket and Sufficient Funds

A visitor is also required to present proof of his financial ability to finance his/her stay in Malaysia together with a confirmed return ticket to another destination.

Arrival/Departure Card (IMM.26)

A visitor is required to complete the Arrival/Departure Card (Imm.26) upon arrival at the gazette entry points. This card is obtainable at any entry point, Malaysian Representative office abroad or travel agencies.

A visitor must present his/her passport together with the duly completed arrival / departure card to the Immigration officer on duty and he/she must ensure that the passport or travel document is endorsed with the appropriate pass before leaving the immigration counter.


We would like to kindly inform you that the Para SUKMA Sarawak 2024 sports event will take place from September 22-28 in Kuching, coinciding with our conference week. Due to the anticipated increase in visitors for this significant event, we humbly recommend booking your hotel accommodations early to ensure availability. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Participants are kindly requested to find and book their hotel accommodations either through the hotel's official website or via online services such as or

Please browse our map for suggested hotels nearby the conference venue.

Nearby Hotels
Sorted from nearest to furthest


    For attendees arriving from KLIA, you have two options to reach Kuching, Sarawak:

    1. Transit at KLIA: You can transit directly at KLIA.
    2. Take Another Flight: Alternatively, book a flight from KLIA to Kuching International Airport (KUL KCH), which is approximately an hour and 30 minutes travel time.

    Flights can be booked through:

    1. AirAsia
    2. Malaysia Airlines
    3. Other available flight operators

    For attendees arriving from Singapore, upon arrival at Changi Airport, you can book a flight from Changi Airport to Kuching International Airport (SIN KCH). Flights can be booked through:

    1. AirAsia
    2. Scoot
    3. Other available flight operators

    Ground Transportation

    As you arrive at the Kuching International Airport (KIA) terminal, you may use popular e-hailing services in Malaysia such as Grab, Maxim, AirAsia Ride, and others to proceed to your destination hotel or conference venue. Additionally, you can get airport taxi services before exiting the terminal building.

    Grab logo Maxim logo AirAsia Ride logo

    Please download these mobile apps directly from Apple App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) or Huawei AppGallery (Huawei).

    Practical Arrangements

    After You Arrive
    1. Weather

      In Kuching city, Malaysia, the average high temperature in September is approximately at 33°C (88°F) while the average low temperature is around 25°C (77°F). The weather forecast is expected to be windy and cloudy with occasional rain.

    2. Electricity

      (i) In Malaysia the standard voltage is 240V and the frequency is 50hz. If your electrical appliance uses 110/120V, you will need a voltage converter. You can also consider a combined power plug adapter/voltage converter.

      (ii) Bring a universal plug and/ or adaptor for your electrical equipment. In Malaysia the power plugs and sockets are of Type G.

      Type G power sockets
    3. Currency

      Malaysian Ringgit (code:MYR or symbol:RM) is the official currency of Malaysia. Available banknotes are in six denominations (biggest to smallest): RM 100, RM 50, RM 20, RM 10, RM 5 and RM 1. While for coins: 50 sen, 20 sen, 10 sen, and 5 sen.

    4. Local Time

      Local time in Malaysia is 8 hours ahead of GMT (GMT+8).

    Safety Tips
    1. Health Insurance & Medical Requirements

      Each participant MUST prepare his/her own medical and travel insurance and it should cover the period of stay in Malaysia. If any medical treatment is required during the event in Malaysia, the medical expenses shall be borne by the participant.

    2. Packing

      (i) Avoid bringing other valuable things.

      (ii) Personal belongings such as laptop, wallet, money, phone, camera and passport will be your responsibility. Please take/bring it along with you during the event.

      (iii) Clothes (as recommended in the schedule). Bring a light jacket, the event venue is air-conditioned.

      (iv) Bring a universal adaptor for your electrical equipment.


    Scientific Committee

    International Scientific Program Committee 
    • Abdullah Alattas (Saudi Arabia)
    • Abd. Halim Hamzah (Malaysia)
    • Abdul Rauf Abdul Rasam (Malaysia)
    • Abdullah Kara (Turkiye)
    • Agharroud Kamal (Morocco)
    • Alexis R. Claridades (The Philippines)
    • Ali Jamali (Canada)
    • Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)
    • Ami Hassan Md Din (Malaysia)
    • Anuar Ahmad (Malaysia)
    • Ariel Blanco (The Philippines)
    • Ayin M. Tamondong (The Philippines)
    • Fadil Abdelhamid (Morocco)
    • Filip Biljecki (Singapore)
    • Gurcan Buyuksalih (Turkiye)
    • Hafiz Sharkawi (Malaysia)
    • Hande Demirel (Turkiye)
    • Hassan Rhinane (Morocco)
    • Ihab Hijazi (Germany)
    • Ismail Karas (Turkiye)
    • Ivin Amri Musliman (Malaysia)
    • Izham M. Yusoff (Malaysia)
    • Japp Zevenbergen (The Netherlands)
    • Jasper Pasch (Sweden)
    • Jeark A. Principe (The Philippines)
    • Jing Sun (Sweden)
    • Khaled Alkabani (Oman)
    • Kherun Nita Ali (Malaysia)
    • Mazlan Hashim (Malaysia)
    • Mehdi Maanan (Morocco)
    • Mehmet Alkan (Turkiye)
    • Mohd Nazri Md Reba (Malaysia)
    • Mohsen Kalantari (Australia)
    • Muhammad Imzan Hassan (Malaysia)
    • Muhammad Uznir Ujang (Malaysia)
    • Omar Alami (Morocco)
    • Othman Zainon (Malaysia)
    • Peter van Oosterom (The Netherlands)
    • Rizqi Abdulharis (Indonesia)
    • Rosalie B. Reyes (The Philippines)
    • SafiaLoulad (Morocco)
    • Serdar Bayburt (Turkiye)
    • Sisi Zlatanova (Australia)
    • Soon Kean Huat (Singapore)
    • Suhaibah Azri (Malaysia)
    • Thomas Kolbe (Germany)
    • Trias Aditya (Indonesia)
    • Umit Isikdaq (Turkiye)
    • Volker Cors (Germany)
    • Wan Anom Wan Aris (Malaysia)
    • Yong Chien Zheng (New Zealand)
    • Youness Dehbi (Germany)
    • Zulkarnain Abdul Rahman (Malaysia)
    • Zulkepli Majid (Malaysia)
    • Zulkiflee Abd Latif (Malaysia)
    Local Scientific Committee 

    • Alias Abdul Rahman
    • Abd Halim Hamzah
    • Ivin Amri Musliman
    • Kelvin Tang Kang Wee
    • Muhammad Imzan Hassan
    • Othman Zainon
    • Ramzi Abdillah
    • Sediah Anak Duat
    • Stephen Ling Jin Huat
    • Suzanna Noor Azmy
    • Tajul Ariffin Musa
    • Wan Anom bt Wan Aris
    • Ainn Zamzuri


    UTM logo
    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
    JTS logo
    Land and Survey Department, Sarawak


    SDEC logo
    Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation

    In Collaboration With

    Makmal Satelit Bersekutu, FABU UTM logo
    Makmal Satelit Bersekutu, Fakulti Alam Bina & Ukur, UTM
    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information logo
    ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information

    Media Partner

    GIM International Magazine logo
    GIM International Magazine